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Board Game Blogger, Reviewer, Playtester, Demonstrator, Con Junkie


Fameeple Fortunes

Can you answer our questionnaire for our Board Game related Family Feud
Lords of War @ PlayMargate 2015

We are running a Board Game related Game Show Fameeple Fortunes at Airecon 5: 8-10 March 2019, Harrogate Convention Centre, United Kingdom. It's a great convention and one where you can get in some serious gameplay when you're not going to the Live Events, lurking in the Bring and Buy or checking out games from up and coming designers. So....we need your help. Can you answer ten simple questions to help us?

If you have answered our Survey Monkey survey before please don't complete this one as we're combining results.

Much love and appreciation! Kat.

Thanks for the support from everyone. We had a lot of fun building and running the show, we want to give some love to our awesome contestants who took time out of their own busy schedules to take part.



A number of people have asked about the answers we got. To make this easy I've attached copies of the raw data as Plain Text as well as JSON in case anyone wants to take a look at what we were working with.

We taken shots of the game screens and answers for you. If you have any pictures from the event itself we'd love to hear from you. Contact Kat @ I Play Red

What's Your Favourite Player Colour?

Ff round1

Name a board game that is based on a video game.

Ff round2

Name a popular game mechanic

Ff round3

Name a boardgame convention (that isn't Airecon!)

Ff round4

Name a games designer

Ff round5

...Board Game Blogger, Reviewer, Playtester, Demonstrator, Con Junkie...
