At 2am this morning I will be waking up ready to start a 13 hour journey to Denver for the third annual HeavyCon. Heavy Cardboard is a podcast devoted to medium/heavy weight games, including 18XX, economic and war games and HeavyCon is their annual convention. I get four days of playing the games I love without Rob complaining that his brains are leaking out of his ears! Games I am currently scheduled to play include: 1822, Indonesia, Arkwright and Colonists. Also, some lighter titles like Tesla vs Edison and Great Western Trail. I arrive Wednesday afternoon around 2.30pm local time and will be playing as much as possible through to Sunday night!

I have half of Monday to run into town and pick up the essentials (peanut butter M&M’s, Cheetos, you know, the important stuff!) and land back in the UK 11.30am Tuesday morning!

Thursday morning I will then be setting off for UK Games Expo in Birmingham!

Each and every year I go to Expo and say I won’t work, I’ll go and enjoy the actual show. As per usual, this year I am working, but this time as part of the Expo volunteer team, which will be a new and exciting experience for me. However, I may well be asleep standing up so if you see me and get no response, it might be worth poking me! I’m actually working in the bring and buy each day which can only lead to disaster, good job Rob is bringing the car up so I can carry home my lovely loot. I’ll also be working in a ‘Press’ capacity so hope to go see some new and interesting releases and prototypes.

If you see me at either event, please come and say hello and maybe play a game or two!