Tiny Epic Galaxies
Players: 1 - 5 Time: 30 - 45 Publisher Gamelyn Games Walkthrough
Port Royal
Players: 2 - 5 Time: 20 - 50 Publisher Pegasus Spiele
Seven Dragons
Players: 2 - 5 Time: 10 - 30 Publisher Looney Labs
Conquest of the Fallen Lands
Players: 3 - 5 Time: 90 Publisher Assa Games
Stone Age
Players: 2 - 4 Time: 60 - 90 Publisher Hans im Glück
Snake Oil
Players: 3 - 10 Time: 20 - 30 Publisher Out of the Box Publishing
For Sale
Players: 3 - 6 Time: 30 Publisher 2 Pionki Walkthrough
Between Two Cities
Players: 1 - 7 Time: 25 Publisher Stonemaier Games
Players: 3 - 5 Time: 60 Publisher alea Walkthrough
Friday the 13th
Players: 3 - 6 Time: 30 Publisher Playroom Entertainment
Imperial Settlers
Players: 1 - 4 Time: 45 - 90 Publisher Portal Games
No Thanks!
Players: 3 - 7 Time: 20 Publisher AMIGO
Players: 2 - 4 Time: 60 Publisher Hans im Glück
Shadow Hunters
Players: 4 - 8 Time: 60 Publisher Game Republic, Inc. Walkthrough
Players: 2 - 8 Time: 15 Publisher Czech Games Edition
Players: 2 - 5 Time: 30 Publisher Wizards of the Coast
Concordia: Britannia / Germania
Players: 2 - 5 Time: 100 Publisher PD-Verlag
7 Wonders
Players: 2 - 7 Time: 30 Publisher Repos Production